We have been working hard to make sure the Dean Hill does are a high quality bunch of girls that anyone would be glad to own. We have included in our herd, a selection of New Zealand, Purebred and Commercial does in order to offer a large variety of all types of kids for all types of producers. If you are looking for registered stock or just some good percentage kids to add to your existing herd, our does can fill your wish list. We breed them all to kiko bucks from excellent bloodlines. Call or email us with any questions you may have on availability/specifics. The does pictured below are examples of the herd moms we have and have had here on the farm and the quality does you can expect to see on our hillsides.
RDH Arwen
Arwen is a 2018 100% NZ daughter of RDH Strike Gold and BWP Apparition, and I wish I had ten more just like her! When we decided to bring back the genetics of ECR Black Gold, we did so because of the extreme depth that buck possessed. Roho's Vashti was one of the thickest does we ever owned. Those traits are easy to spot here in RDH Arwen! She is a great mother who has kidded twice with great successes.
Heading into the breeding pen this fall with Isaiah's Fire in the hopes we can build our future doe herd with a heavy influence from Arwen! This is a cross we have done in the past and produced the very nice Isaiah's Fire son RDH Hearts A Fire who is standing at Sutton Hollow Kikos here in Tennessee. |
RDH Egypt |
100% NZ doe born in December 2017, this sweetheart of a doe was born a twin to BWP Tough Cookie who had only had singled the year before and it was mean cold when Egypt and her sister were born. Mom needed a little help and Egypt became the friendliest goat of the season. Stolen from a movie line "you all are worse than the plagues of Egypt!" because she was always showing up and always underfoot, the name Egypt just sorta stuck with her! She has kidded twice, both times twin doelings. We love her to death. She is the daughter of RDH Indian Outlaw and will spend her time with Isaiah for spring 2022 kids! Crossing my fingers for more girls just like her! |
AFS C134 Roho's Diana
When AFS C134 (later named Roho's Diana) first came to Dean Hill in the fall of 2014, she was one of nine EXTRA nice yearlings unloaded off the trailer that showed great promise. Here we are seven years later and we are welcoming her back home again! While Diana was with us she produced some great kids - bucks and does! While we hated to see her leave, we are sure proud to have her back!! In the fall of 2016 Diana kidded triplets, a buckling and two doelings, that weighed a total of 25 pounds. At 90 day weaning, those kids totaled 163 pounds! She consistently kidded triplets for us in the past and was one of the most productive Roho daughters we ever owned. The photo shows her at present as an eight year old and just look at that udder and she was nursing kids just two weeks earlier! This is the type of doe you like to build a herd around. We hope to have many more years from Diana in the future. She is set to go in the breeding pen with Isaiah's Fire in October of 2021. She is a Roho Grande daughter and her dam AFS Billie Jean, is the daughter of El Conquistador (Loverboy son) and ECR Vicky Jean (a Sports Kat daughter). At least one daughter will be retained. Have you ever seen such a horn set on a doe?? |
RDH Rylah
Rylah is shown in this photo with her April 2022 Indian Outlaw kids! At seven years old, her udder is in great shape, she is in great condition and she has raised some very nice kids over her years in production. She did not disappoint with a doeling and a buckling, both with solid birth weights and weaning weights!
She is a daughter of GHK Isaiah's Fire and her dam is a daughter of WMB Hobo. We love this doe and her pairings with Indian Outlaw! We are very happy to return her to the farm where she was born and look forward to many more kiddings from this great doe! |
Aulene is an outstanding 2018 Isaiah's Fire daughter out of a Roho Grande daughter (AFS C132 aka "Sugar"). Aulene has been a great producer of does and bucklings alike. Having been bred almost exclusively to RDH Indian Outlaw, we have seen excellent kids from this pairing. In April 2022. we were finally able to keep one of their daughters, RDH Drusilla, to add to our program.
In the spring of 2023, Aulene kidded spotted triplet doelings (she herself was one of three doelings) sired by RDH Spotted Eagle! All are doing well, including Aulene and we believe Hailey, Baylee, and Kaleigh will grow into fine Kiko herd mothers themselves! |
Indian Outlaw's Calamity Jane
The youngest of our yearling daughters, Jane is the daughter of RDH Indian Outlaw and MRG Hemi's Kori (GFI Hemi over Goliath's Keeper). After seeing what this combination can produce, we wish we had ten more just like her.
She's tall with lots of width between her shoulders, good spring of rib and well muscled hips. She looks so much like Indian Outlaw and we have a feeling she is going to perform equally well. Pictures don't do her justice, she's impressive! Paired with GHK Isaiah's Fire, she kidded triplets as a first time mom and weaned a total of 163 pounds of kids!!! One buckling and two doelings! |
RDH Sipsey
RDH Sipsey is a yearling daughter of Isaiah's Fire and granddaughter of RDH Outlaw's Goldmine. Her pedigree also includes great granddam WMB Emily, daughter of CCR Sazerac who was still producing kids at eleven years old and ECR Victoria's Secret who had a beautiful udder as a ten year old.
Sipsey is long bodied, has a great top line, super FAMACHA scores and a slick shiny coat. We are ALWAYS happy to add Isaiah daughters to our herd mother line-up. They have never disappointed! Sipsey was bred to RDH Kawliga and produced two very nice bucklings born in early December 2022! |
RDH Catori
RDH Catori is the largest of our 2021 additions to the doe herd and we are super excited about the growth and performance we have seen from her from day one.
She is the daughter of RDH Indian Outlaw and her dam DCH Speckles II goes back to Golaith's Keeper and Mr Speckles. Catori is spending the summer with Isaiah's Fire. You know you are confident in your breeding selection when you are looking forward to doelings or bucklings from the cross. And when it comes to combining Isaiah with Indian Outlaw daughters, we are certainly confident! In November 2022, Catori kidded triplets as a first time mom! Her buckling and two doelings had a combined weaning weight of 150 pounds! She was an excellent mother and we are looking forward to continued pairings between Catori and Isaiah! |
AFS Roho's Vashti
A 2013 100% NZ doe, daughter of Roho Grande and her dam is a daughter of BBM Onyx Bear. Great doe. She got her name from scriptures. Esther 1:11 "To bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal, to shew the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look on."
Vashti is the dam of the high selling doe at the 2016 Cream of the Crop sale, Isaiah's Patches (both shown at left) and has produced several top-shelf kids. When we looked for the best dam to pair with ECR Black Gold for a potential herdsire, Vashti was our choice!! And is the dam of the only living Black Gold buck RDH Strike Gold. |
ECR Princess Nicki
Princess Nicki passed away in December 2020. She made many good bucklings and doelings in her lifetime! The anticipated flush of this doe did not come about but we are pleased we got to care for this great doe!
Princess Nicki is shown at left out in the pasture and was born in 2007!! As far as we know, she is the last living Sunboy Stanton 149 (Nick) daughter. She kidded twin bucklings naturally in May 2019 and has been in the breeding pen with Indian Outlaw for February 2020 kids. We are very proud to own this doe. She has a large frame and still maintains her body condition in the herd and out in the lot. Nicki kidded in February 2020!! The buckling has made his home at Circle W Ranch with the Wilsons in Virginia! At 13 1/2 years old, she is still going strong and we are hoping to flush her this year to retain as many future kids as possible from such a big doe with such a long run!! |
TSF Tom Black's Tess
She is a very large, very tall doe out of Goldmine's Amber. Amber is a full sister to our Lita's Girl. We know what good babies Lita's Girl produces, so we were pleased to find Tess for sale in the Summer of 2015. She did a bang-up job as a first time mom with a big girl sired by RDH Indian Outlaw. She kidded triplets in late November 2016 sired by Isaiah's Fire! And triplets again this season sired by Indian Outlaw, a buckling and two big colorful doelings. Her record of triplets continued in Jan 2019 with triplet doelings sired by Indian Outlaw. That cross worked so well in the past, that we are repeating again this year. Look for Indian Outlaw and Tess kids in the fall! |
RDH Blondie E63
Blondie is a 2015, 100% NZ daughter of Isaiah's Fire and CGI Macy. Blondie was one of those does that was slightly above average in weaning weight and who, one day about three months later, was standing out like a superstar. Her maternal bloodlines include Lightin', Pango Hua, Titan, AVG Marshal and Aristocrat.
Blondie was paired with RDH Kawliga in late summer 2017. Blondie weaned twin bucklings sired by Kawliga on May 12th, 2018. They each weighed 68 pounds at weaning!!! She is the dam of RDH Red Cloud and RDH Way's Spotted Lady and some really nice triplets sired by Indian Outlaw born in October 2019. She was always a tough girl, surviving a broken bone and losing her dam before she was weaned. She was one of many does that prove Isaiah a real doe-maker! |
RDH 24 Karat
There is no denying the Roho Grande influence in this doe!! She is a 2018 daughter of RDH Strike Gold (Black Gold x Roho's Vashti) and Roho's Big Bertha. Just a year and a half old in this photo, she is growing at a pace that may make her rival Big Darlin's size!!!
She is bred to Indian Outlaw for kids in February 2020! When it comes to attributes we love in a doe, 24 Karat checks all the boxes - long legs, rounded hind quarters, length from shoulder to hip and good depth and spring of rib. 24 Karat's daughter, CWR Jewel, sired by RDH Indian Outlaw was the high selling doe at the 2023 National Kiko Spotlight Sale!! |